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Heather Honey Serras de Portugal
300g | 500g | 1100g

A dark honey with a strong taste collected by the bees from the heathers of the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain range in Portugal.


Back in 1898, Jorge de Almeida Lima acquires and explores his first beehives in Quinta do Lameiro, his country estate in Benfica, outskirts of Lisbon. In 1974, intent on starting a beekeeping activity, his great great grandchildren decide to restore the old hives.First, in Quinta do Lameiro and, since 1979, in Serra da Malcata and Serra da Estrela, installing their company in Penamacor.

Heather Honey from Serra da Estrela is produced in the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela. It is genuinely a high quality mountain product.

In the highest slopes of Serra da Estrela, various heathers predominate: Queiró (Erica umbellata), Torga (Erica australis), and White heather (Erica lusitanica). It is in these flowers that bees gather this dark coloured honey with a very characteristic taste - Heather Honey from Serra da Estrela.

Honey is a natural and balanced food. Sweeten healthily and taste the rich flavour of Serramel honey on bread, milk, tea or in cooking.